The experts at Hydrochrome in California have made switched their spray chrome supplier to Cosmichrome. Since they switched to Cosmichrome, rejects are way down, production is up, and they have eliminated parts turning yellow. You can visit their website by clicking here Hydrochrome Home Page. Hydrochrome coats a range of different parts including large sculptures destined for casinos to automotive parts.
Take a look at some of their work below. They’ve even coated parts for a build on the Netflix Series, Car Masters in cooperation with Gotham Garage. If you need to improve your spray chrome business, talk to us about switching to Cosmichrome. You’ll be happy you did.
Cosmichrome Statue Balloon Animal Sculptures Pink Balloon Animal Sculptures Multi Colored Balloon Animal Sculptures Huge Dome For A Casino Classic Car Grill Larger than Life Statue For A Casino Decorative Panels Decorative Panels Skull Bumpers Red Cosmichrome Dash Board Gold Tinted Tumble Weed Cosmichrome Bath Tub by Hydrochrome Cosmichrome Bath Tub Cosmichrome Bath Tub by Hydrochrome Cosmichrome Bath Tub by Hydrochrome Hydrochrome used Cosmichrome on the build with Gotham Garage. They can be seen on the Netflix Series, Car Masters. Hydrochrome used Cosmichrome on the build with Gotham Garage. They can be seen on the Netflix Series, Car Masters. Car Masters Interior Side Vents Helmets and sculptures